Brenda Henning, MS, LPC


"Nobody said it was easy. But nobody said it would be this hard." Cold Play

Couples Counseling

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If improving a relationship was as easy as marking off tasks on a check list, then relationships wouldn't break up as often as they do. Cookie-cutter programs might work well if you're baking, uh, cookies.

Relationships, however, are much more complicated then a cookie recipe and they're not easy.  They can be worth the time and effort. 

Many relationships are strained over infidelity, addiction, interference of friends and family, the birth of children and a  myriad of other life stressors. Once a couple has reached a critical point of high conflict, they may be on the brink of divorce or CPS may become involved. But before you found yourself in this landmine of arguments, stress and conflict, you can also remember the time in your relationship in which you were drawn to each other. 

You can't go back in time, but you can take the time to repair what has been damaged and move forward and become even stronger and more committed to your relationships. 

​If you and your partner are ready to invest in salvaging your relationship, then consider attending couples' counseling. Having a third person who is neutral about your conflict can promote healing for you. 

Telehealth sessions are helpful for consistent attendance if child care or work schedule conflicts are an issue.